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portada Your Spiritual Awakening: And the New Dawn for Humanity (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
22.9 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
0.48 kg.

Your Spiritual Awakening: And the New Dawn for Humanity (en Inglés)

Jonathan Barber (Autor) · Independently Published · Tapa Blanda

Your Spiritual Awakening: And the New Dawn for Humanity (en Inglés) - Barber, Jonathan

Libro Físico

$ 9.60

$ 12.00

Ahorras: $ 2.40

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  • Estado: Nuevo
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Reseña del libro "Your Spiritual Awakening: And the New Dawn for Humanity (en Inglés)"

More and more people are going through their version of a spiritual awakening. It's like having a veil torn away, the old world vanishes and they see themselves and the world in an entirely new way. Everything is connected, and thoughts influence reality. It's a world of God, energy, love, consciousness and spirituality. It's a brand new world of possibilities.A spiritual awakening can be a shock to the system. It can have an emotional impact and throw up so many questions such as: If what I used to believe isn't actually true, what is? My old beliefs have gone, what can I believe? How does life work if the old way isn't actually real? What do I do with these emotions and thoughts? What do I do with feeling depressed? What do I do in my life now? What can I do about feeling sensitive around other people and about energy? What am I? Who am I? How do I meditate? What information do I need and where do I find it? People think I'm crazy when I tell them what I think. What should I do? I feel alone now, what can I do about it? And so on.In this book you will find some answers, clues and directions, to help you navigate your awakening, your transformation, and have a wonderful adventure

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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