La Vida por Delante: Los Secretos de Hannah Montana al Descubierto (Corazon Joven)
Reseña del libro "La Vida por Delante: Los Secretos de Hannah Montana al Descubierto (Corazon Joven)"
Se que todavia estoy casi al principio de mi vida. Estoy viviendo un viaje increible, y todo va super rapido. Por eso quiero plantar un hito justo aqui (en esta curva concreta del camino) antes de que su imagen empiece a desdibujarse a medida que sigo avanzando. Espero que os apunteis, disfruteis del viaje y me acompaneis durante un rato."" Miley Cyrus crecio en una granja de Franklin (Tennessee), antes de dirigirse a Hollywood y convertirse en una superestrella interpretando a Hannah Montana en la serie de exito de Disney Channel. En un triple reto, esta joven de dieciseis anos ha actuado, cantado y bailado para ganar numerosos premios. Su primer album en solitario, Breakout, trepo hasta el numero uno de las listas de exitos y ha vendido mas de un millon de ejemplares. / The real-life Miley Cyrus really does have the best of both worlds. Whether shes having a blast playing Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart on her hit show, belting our songs on her record-breaking Best of Both Worlds tour and 3-D concert movie, or even walking the red carpet at the Oscars, Miley makes being famous look fun and easy. The limos out front to take you behind the scenes of Mileys world. Hang with Miley and get to know what its like to perform with the Jonas Brothers, Emily Osment (Lilly), Mitchel Musso (Oliver), Jason Earles (Jackson), Cody linley (Jake)and even her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus! Find out how Miley grew up and how she learned to sing and act. Discover her favorite things, what matters most to her in her heart, and what her dreams are for the future. AS AN INSIDER IN MILEYS WORLD, YOULL FIND: * 100 totally cool pictures of Miley and friends; * Fun quizzes to test your knowledge of Mileys world; * The scoop on her family, famous friends, and costars; * Fabulous fashion tips that will help you look like a star; * And much more! Maybe nobodys perfect, but Miley sure comes close. Come on in, and spend a fun-filled time in Mileys rockin world!