electrothermal analysis of vlsi systems (en Inglés)
Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang,Chin-Chi Teng,Ching-Han Tsai,Yi-Kan Cheng (Autor)
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electrothermal analysis of vlsi systems (en Inglés) - sung-mo (steve) kang,chin-chi teng,ching-han tsai,yi-kan cheng
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Reseña del libro "electrothermal analysis of vlsi systems (en Inglés)"
electrothermal analysis of vlsi systems addresses electrothermal problems in modern vlsi systems. part i, the building blocks, discusses electrothermal phenomena and the fundamental building blocks that electrothermal simulation requires (including power analysis, temperature-dependent device modeling, thermal/electrothermal simulation, and experimental setup-calibration). part ii, the applications, discusses three important applications of vlsi electrothermal analysis including temperature-dependent electromigration diagnosis, cell-level thermal placement and temperature-driven power and timing analysis. electrothermal analysis of vlsi systems will be useful for researchers in the fields of ic reliability analysis and physical design, as well as vlsi designers and graduate students.